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Farewell reception 2008: President Loren Anderson thanked all those who were retiring or leaving PLU after the 2008 academic year for their service to the university. Anderson also recognized staff and faculty retirees.


Farewell reception 2008: Jeff Olsen Krengel jots down good wishes for a colleague during the Farewell Reception. Memory books were provided for each faculty and staff member who was retiring or leaving PLU for new opportunities.


Farewell reception 2008: Retiring associate mathematics professor Celine Dorner (left) chats with Laura Polcyn at 2008's Farewell Reception.


Farewell reception 2008: Ginger Peck pins a yellow calla lily on Oney Crandall, director of the Center for Public Service. The flowers identified those who were retiring or leaving the university for new opportunities.


Economics conference: Dr. Janet Yellen, president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank in San Francisco talks at the 2008 Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference in Tacoma.