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November 22, 1927
Item · 1927-11-22
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from November 22, 1927. Articles included are: Armistice Day Assembly Hears Rev. Van Horn, Gladiators All!, Leagues Hold Annual Meet at Bremerton, Calendar, Many Students on Honor Roll, Pacific Loses to Bremerton in Last Game, P.L.C. Music to Be Broadcast, Thanksgiving Thoughts Run Rampant Here, Present Program at Auction Sale, Chapel Talks, Church Announcements, What's In a Name?, Attention Letterman! Daily Diary, Rein, Violinist Gives Concert, Pacific Again Victorious on Grimy Gridiron, Practice Game Played by Girls Armistice Day, Return of "Plly" Gives Team Boost, Quilcene Defeats P.L.C. Reserves, Technique Class Presents Unique Plans of Work, Entertain Team, Lighter Than Air, and Campus Locals.

December 8, 1927
Item · 1927-12-08
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from December 8, 1927. Articles included are: P.L.C. Teams Victorious in Dual Debate, Mission Society Holds Meeting, Choir Music to be Broadcast Dec. 19, Dramatic Society Presents Plays, Board Members Visit College, Choir to Render Christmas Music, Basketball Turnouts Are Encouraging, Students!, Dr. Hoff Starts New Class Here, Girls Organize Snappy Pep Club, Noted Speaker Gives Address, Calendar, "Keen Stuff! Xmas is Coming!," We Want Life!, Chapel Talks, Students Attend Vacation Party, Church Announcements, Students' Corner, New Fire Escapes Are Now Erected, Class Games to Start Big Season, Girls' Team to Play First Game on Dec. 16, Campus Locals, Organize Hoop Squad of Short Course Members, Quintette Quips, Plan to Enter Tacoma League, Former Student Married, Daily Diary, and Lighter Than Air.

December 20, 1927
Item · 1927-12-20
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from December 20, 1927. Articles included are: Cheer Leaders Get Pointers at Conference, Yuletide, Arrange Debate Schedule Here, Calendar, Doctor Hoff's Russian Text Now Complete, Former Teacher Takes Over Work, Men Have Prayer Meeting, Mincemeat Makes St. Nick Dream Deliriously and Very Dangerously, Classes Clash for Basketball Supremacy Here, Christmas Spirit, Season's Greetings!, Campus Locals, Church Announcements, Students' Corner, Girls Win First Game of Season, Gladiators Win From Sumner HI, Sanderson and Jacobson, Team Captains, Hurt, Society Holds Second Meeting, Dormitory Girls Give Party for Day Students, Dramatic Club to Present Play Here, Girls' Meeting Held on Dec. 7, Geography Class Works Projects, and Teacher's Son Honored.

January 12, 1928
Item · 1928-01-12
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from January 12, 1928. Articles included are: High School Quint Defeated by Gladiators, "Mast" Office is Papered During Vacation Days, Faculty Honors Reverend Ordal, Gridiron Heroes Receive Awards' Coach Honored, Quartet Sings During Vacation, Reb. Ordal to Leave; Record is Excellent, Play Given by Dramatic Club Members Jan. 7, Student Council Members Elected, Calendar, Faculty Attends Farewell Party, Former Teacher Now In Alaska, Chapel Talks, Campus Locals, Daily Diary, Library Preservation, Please Pass Some Courtesy, Chairs for the Gymnasium or Not?, Church Announcements, Parkland All Stars Suffer Defeat 32-21, Midgets Defeat American Lake in Close Game, Quintette Quips, Girls Defeat Kapowsin Team by Long Count, Faculty Team is Challenged by School Squads, Late News, Latest Songs as Featured by P.L.C. Students, and Rottengravure Revue: An All-Comedy Special for Your Entertainment.

January 26, 1928
Item · 1928-01-26
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from January 26, 1928. Articles included are: Quintet Has Heavy 'Sked' For February, Miss Martha Hjermstad, Martha Hjermstad Makes U. Varsity, Farewell Chapel Exercises Honor President Ordal, Mission Society Holds Meeting, Mrs. Bertrand Taylor, Teacher Resigns Position Here, Girls' Pep Club Holds Meeting, Former Cheney Normal School Head Speaks, Meeting Held by D.O.R. Members, Gridiron Men Are Honored, Calendar, Mr. Examination Heralded with Joy and Pleasure by Waiting Students, A Tribute, Campus Locals, Former Guest Is Editor, Daily Diary, Sacrifice and Compromise, Appreciation, Church Announcements, Let's Beat Ellensburg Tomorrow!, Gladiators Lose Hard Game to Centralia Five, 'Alligators' Win Three; Lose One, Quintette Quips, Gladiators Win From Eatonville, Orting Lassies Are Defeated by P.L.C. "Gladiolas," Gladiators Win Fast Game from Lincoln Quintet, Lighter Than Air, Pictures Taken of Football Men, L.S.U. President Asks Cooperation, Outing Plans Complete, and To Play Kirkland.

February 10, 1928
Item · 1928-02-10
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from February 10, 1928. Articles included are: Former Students Plan Reunion!, College Men to Make Trip; Will Leave on Feb. 18, Pacific Class to All Former Students, New Students Enter Pacific, P.L.C. Quint Defeats Ellensburg Normal, Mission Society Hears Talk by Reverend Stavig, Octette Gives P.L.C. Program, "Gladiolas" Win Over Mt. Vernon, Students to Give Valentine Party, Attention Students!, Campus Locals, Enters!---St. Valentine, Calendar, Daily Diary, A Timely Tip to Tippers!, An Explanation, Church Announcements, What A Line, Furious Faculty Features Freaky, Funny Fracas, P.L.C. Girls Lose to Kirkland Hi, Pacific Wins Over Mt. Vernon, Lose to Burlington, Lighter Than Air, and Statistics Stump Staid Students.

February 24, 1928
Item · 1928-02-24
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from February 24, 1928. Articles included are: 3-Act Comedy to Be Given Sat., March 17, Regular D.O.R. Meeting Is Held, Hope for Big Homecoming; Plans Complete, Pastor Retires From Ministry, Delegate Is Selected for Eastern Trip, Birthday of Washington Recalls Virtues of 'Father of His Country,' Doctor Gives Talk, Debaters Meet Bankers, Report Losses, Calendar, Honor Roll Shows Decided Increase Over Midsemester, Southern California Lutherans Will Break Ground for $5,000,000 University, La Golindrina, Three Questions, Campus Locals, Wedding Anniversary, Daily Diary, Church Announcements, Girls Defeat Seattle Team by Safe Score, Midgets Win Over Seattle Quint, L.S.U. President Sends Messages, Kirkland Wins Over Gladiolas, Win From Centralia, Lose to Stadium, English as She's Spoke, Become Parents, and Lighter Than Air.

March 8, 1928
Item · 1928-03-08
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from March 8, 1928. Articles included are: Reunion Is Meld March 3; Great Success, Delegate Attends Eastern Meeting, Women Hear Mrs. Ylvisaker, Debate Teams Lose to S.C. at Spokane, Concert Tour Is Planned for Choir Members, To Erect Parsonage, Calendar, Has Not Yet Accepted, Are We Loyal?, Campus Locals, Chaplain Burr Talks in Chapel, Chapel Talks, Miss Muus to Leave, Daily Diary, Church Announcements, Students Hired, Voters Reject Bond Issue, Dame Fortune Not With Lads on Trip East, Athletics for Women?, Quintette Quips, Girls Win Game with City Team, Gladiators Will Soon End Season, Tennis Court to Be Constructed, To Assist Choir, Scintillating Sunshine Starts Students Shunning Sane Study, Examination in State Manual Is Taken Sat. Mar. 3, Carnival to Be Given by Staff Friday Mar 24, Conference Meets at Hauge Home, and March Debates.

March 22, 1928
Item · 1928-03-22
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from March 22, 1928. Articles included are: Great Carnival for Benefit of Mooring Mast to Be Given Mar. 24, Self-Denial D.O.R. Meeting Is Held Mar. 14, Technique Class Working on Show, Dr. O.A. Tingelstad, Calendar, Acceptance of Presidency Is Announced by Dr. O.A. Tingelstad, Mission Program Given March 14, Former Student Touring Europe, "Three Live Ghosts" Enjoys Success, Pacific's New President, On the Resignation of Dr. Tingelstad, L.S.U. Convention News, Church Announcements, Casaba Now Extinct; Team Has Good Rep., Boys Begin Baseball Practice, Quintette Quips, Gladiators Add Two Victories, Double Header Is Lost to Seattle, Lighter Than Air, Daily Diary, Regular Meeting of Pep Club Is Held by Members, and Girls' Pep Club Sells Candy at Several Games.

April 5, 1928
Item · 1928-04-05
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from April 5, 1928. Articles included are: Successful Debate Season Is Now Ended, Pacific Lutheran College Acapella Choir Will Leave Sunday on First Tour of Northwest Cities, Girls' Reception Room is Ready, Winning Team in Baseball is Hope of Coach, Mission Society Gives Program, Carnival Is Big Success M.M. Benefits, New University Dedicated Lately, Dedication Services Are Held, The Eastertide, How About It, Fellows?, Chapel Talks, Daily Diary, Church Announcements, Campus Locals, Apologies, Dinner Party is Given Sat. Mar. 31, Celebrate Anniversary, Calendar, The Spirit of P.L.C., Pacific Claim As B.B. Champs Is Undisputed, Veterans Win Opening Tilt, Technique Class to Present Show, Season Ends for Squad in Seattle, Technique Class Finishes Project, Interclass Meets are Discussed; Prospects Good, and Lighter Than Air.