Author: Harper, Faith G.
Other Author(s): Scott, Bonnie.
Full title: Woke parenting #1 - doing our best to raise intersectional feminist, empathetic, engaged, and generally non-shitty kids
Got kids in your life? This zine is full of helpful wisdom about raising them to be socially aware, respectful of others, willing to speak up and stand up for what's right, and comfortable in their own skin. Not sure how to talk to your kid about boundaries and consent? What about staying safe around potentially hostile authority figures? What if your kid is obsessed with gendered stuff in a way that makes you uncomfortable? What do you say when your kid loudly comments about someone's race or gender or body on the bus? How do you teach your kid about the world's injustices and still let them know they're safe and loved? Bonnie and Faith are parents and therapists and have been around all these blocks more than a few times. Read this and start your own conversations to build a better world for the next generation.