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Archival description
Harstad family and Bjug Harstad's writings
Harstad family and Bjug Harstad's writings
Bjug Harstad's class schedule and student information from Luther College
Bjug Harstad's class schedule and student information from Luther College
A brief history of Valle Saetersdal and of some families from there by Bjug Harstad
A brief history of Valle Saetersdal and of some families from there by Bjug Harstad
Til hvem det maatte angå ( To whom it May Concern)
Til hvem det maatte angå ( To whom it May Concern)
Early family history, reminiscences and Pioneer Prattle by Bjug Harstad
Early family history, reminiscences and Pioneer Prattle by Bjug Harstad
Celebration of the silver wedding anniversary of Bjug and Guro Harstad including a speech given by Tobias Larson to the bridal couple
Celebration of the silver wedding anniversary of Bjug and Guro Harstad including a speech given by Tobias Larson to the bridal couple
Whither are we drifting? A story about a Bjug Harstad sermon
Whither are we drifting? A story about a Bjug Harstad sermon
"Tacoman celebrates 53 years as a pastor" newspaper clipping
"Tacoman celebrates 53 years as a pastor" newspaper clipping
Correspondence between Esther Thune and Adolph Harstad regarding Bjug Harstad biography
Correspondence between Esther Thune and Adolph Harstad regarding Bjug Harstad biography
Bjug Harstad obituary
Bjug Harstad obituary