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File · 1831 - 1884
Part of Bjug Aanondson Harstad Papers

Gro Aanondsdaughter Harstad was born Oc.2, 1831, in Valle Norway and came to Seneca, Illinois in 1861; she was married in 1865 to Thore Jutland of Arendahl, in Arendahl, Fillmore County, Minnesota. Gro died Dec. 26 1884 and Thore died Oct. 5, 1901 both are buried in Arendahl Cemetery. They had five children. Their second child Knute Edward (1) died when he was about 4 months old and is also buried in Arendahl Cemetery. Knute Edward (2) changed his last name to Knutson and Aanond Owen changed is last name to Knudson.

File · 1834 - 1915
Part of Bjug Aanondson Harstad Papers

Kittil Aanondson Harstad, citizen name Charles Anderson born at Valle, Saetersdal, Norway, Feb. 19,1834 came to Seneca, LaSalle County, Illinois in 1854; was in the South in Mississippi and Louisian a year or two before the Civil War, came back to Seneca, came to Greenfield, Fillmore County, Minn. in 1865; married in Arendahl, Nov 27, 1866 to Mrs. Eli Fjeldstad, widow, maiden name Eli Knudsdaughter Espetvedt, born in Espetvedt in Saetersdal, Norway, March 14, 1837. Kittil died at the home of his son Ole, near Mayville, March 1, 1915 buried in North Prairie Cemetery, Fillmore County, Minn. Kittil and Eli had seven children.

File · 1836 - 1907
Part of Bjug Aanondson Harstad Papers

Tollef Aanondson Harstad was the third child of Aanond Tellefson Harstad and Torbjor Kittilsdaughter Harstad and was born June 16,1836 in Saetersdal, Norway. He married there in May of 1861 to Margit Salvesdaughter Nomeland, also born in Saetersdak, Norway, Aug.2, 1840. They came to Seneca,LaSalle County, Illinois in 1861 and settled later at Greenfield, (now Harmony) Minnesota, Fillmore county in 1867. Tollef died Dec. 9, 1907 and about two and one half months later, Feb. 20, 1908 Margit also passed away. They are both at rest in Greenfield (Harmony) Cemetery. They had eleven children.

File · 1838 - 1924
Part of Bjug Aanondson Harstad Papers

Gjermund Aanondson Harstad was born in Valle, Norway; emigrated to America in 1868, and after 1875 settled on land near Hillsboro, No. Da., and married there in March 1878 to Borhild Kittilsdaughter, also born in Norway. Gjermund served two terms as member of the North Dakota Legislature and as Judge of Probate of Traill county, No. Dak. In 1893 the family moved to Parkland, Washington where Borghild died from burns cased by an exploded lamps in the fall of 1897. They had eight children.

File · 1841 - 1872
Part of Bjug Aanondson Harstad Papers

Ole A. Harstad Anderson was from his boyhood the best behaved and educted of all the six brothers, a conscientious and tender-hearted man who functioned as a reliable instructor and guide of the whole family. Ole Aanonson Harstad, citizen name Anderson, was born in Valle, Saetersdal, Norway and came to Seneca, La Salle county, Illinois, in 1861 and married in 1863 to Miss Anna Petersdaughter Helgeland, who was born in Stavanger, Norway in June of 1841. They farmed in LaSalle and Ford Counties, Ilinois. Ole died Sept. 13, 1872 laving Anna with four children, one son having preceded him in death, He was buried near Clifton, Ill. Anna passed away Sept. 18, 1897 and is buried in Harding LaSalle County, Ilinois.

File · 1843 - 1915
Part of Bjug Aanondson Harstad Papers

Tjodje Aanondson Harstad, was born in Valle Saetersdal, Norway, June 16, 1843. He came to Seneca, Illinois in 1861, and to Fillmore county, Minnesota in 1864. He was married at Arendahl, Fillmore County, Minn. on Feb. 16, 1868 to Eli Oldsdaughter Homme, born in Saetersdal, Norway on Nov. 12, 1843, they resided a few years near Arendahl, later located near Porter, Yellow Medicine county, Minnesota. Here he served as Postmaster for some years. They moved from there to about twelve miles west of Portlnd, Steele County, North Dakota. In 1906, they moved to Bonetrail, Williams County, No. Dakota and took a homestead. In 1912, they moved to Parkland, Washington. Tjodje died there May 13, 1915 and is buried in Parkland Cemetery. The widow Eli went east to Williston No. Dak. and lived with her sone Ole. She died there March 13,1919 and is buried in Parkland, Washington Cemetery. they had eleven children. Three of Tjodje's children, Torbjor, Olaf and Nels died March 12,13,14,1882 respectively and were buried in one casket in the Porter, Minnesote Cemetery. Then Halvor died March 23, same year.

File · 1847 - 1883
Part of Bjug Aanondson Harstad Papers

Tone Aanondsdaughter Harstad was born in Saetersdal, Norway february 23, 1847 and came to Senneca Illinois in 1861; married Aug.3, 1866 to Andrew (Andreas) P. Helgeland at Greenfield, Fillmore County (now Harmony), Minnesota, and located there the same year. Andrew was born near Stavanger, Norway, Nov. 13,1844. They had seven children. Tone died at their hom near Harmony, Minn. Sept 2, 1883 and was buried in Greenfield Cemetery.

File · 1848 - 1933
Part of Bjug Aanondson Harstad Papers

Bjug Aanondson Harstad was born Dec. 17, 1848 in Valle, Saetersdal, Norway, came with his parents to Seneca, Illinois in 1861 moved to Fillmore county, Minn. 1865 and entered Luther College, Decorah, Iowa in the fall that year, graduated there 1871, entering Concordia Theologicl seminary, St Louis, Mo. the same year from which he graduated in 1874. He immediatley accepted a call as missionary in the Red River Valley, north of the Fargo, N.D. Teritory, married Feb. 14 1877 to Miss Guro Svensdaughter Aamli (also written as Omlid) born Sept. 29 1858 in Aanebjor (Arneberg) Bygland, Saetersdal, Norway. In 1894 he founded Pacific Lutheran College serving as principal or teacher until 1899. He took part i the Nome gold rush hoping thus to aid the College, Bjug Harstad died June 20, 1933 at the age of 84. Bjug and his wife were parents of eleven children.