The members of Pacific Lutheran University's first faculty in 1894 are: (first row) Meyer Brandvig, Emma Sperati, and Miss Sophie Peterson; (second row) Reverend E. Ballestad, Reverend Carlo Sperati, T.C. Satra, Reverend T. Larson, Reverend N. Christiansen, W. Shahan, and Reverend B. Harstad.
The members of Pacific Lutheran University's first faculty in 1894 are: (first row) Meyer Brandvig, Mrs. Carlo Sperati, and Miss Sophie Peterson; (second row) Reverend E. Ballestad, Reverend Carlo Sperati, T.C. Satra, Reverend T. Larson, Reverend N. Christiansen, W. Shahan, and Reverend B. Harstad.
Members of the Pacific Lutheran University Band on Mount Rainer where they played "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" to celebrate that the school was finally underway.
Left to right: Professor Carlo A. Sperati, Hannah Jahr, Ludvig Larson, J. Leonard Brottem, Ettie Kraabel (Mrs. Viggo Jorgenson), Dr. J. L. rynning, Mark Wangness, Oscar Brottem, Sophie Peterson, Therese Kraabel, George Johnson.
Music professor Carlo Sperati on the left stands with members of the Pacific Lutheran University Band in Parkland. Hannah Jahr, Ludvig Larson, J. Leonard Brottem, Ettie Kraabel (Mrs. Viggo Jorgenson), Dr. J. L. rynning, Mark Wangness, Oscar Brottem, Sophie Peterson, Therese Kraabel, George Johnson. See Photo 4166.
Members of the Pacific Lutheran College band hiking up Mount Rainer.
Group Ascending Mt. Tacoma (Mt. Rainier)
Musical ensemble outside of Parkland Mercantile Store and Post Office. Man on far left with instrument and pole is Carlo A. Sperati, man left of the door holding a clarinet and wearing a straw hat is Ludvig Larson.
Students and Faculty in front of Old Main (Harstad Hall) in 1910. Nils Hong in front row, 2nd from left. Johan Xavier in front row, far right.
Students and Faculty in front of Old Main. J.U. Xavier in front row at far left. Nils Hong in front row, 4th from left.