Washington State Senator, Warren Grant "Maggie" Magnuson, was presented two awards October 9, 1966 at a Leif Erikson Day celebration in Eastvold Chapel.
1966 - 1967 Martin Johnson receives PLU's Distinguished Alumnus Award from Helen Nordquist at the Alumni Awards Banquet.
Guests and participants pause at the entrance of Mortvedt library during the Vesper Service of Recollection, part of the dedication ceremony.
Student Formal Event 1967-1968
President Eugene Wiegman celebrates his 40th birthday.
Professors Eklund, Roe, Govig, Tang and Dean Moe with Wu Ming-Chieh, President, Lutheran Church of Hong Kong who received a Doctor of Divinity degree
Ceremony marking the completion of the University Center. 1970-1971
The Spurs, along with the Lucia and her attendants are all included in the annual celebration. 1970
Susan Brandt of Sitka, Alaska is the recipient of the Presser Scholarship, presented annually to an outstanding music student by the Presser Foundation, 1992-1993
Susan Brandt of Sitka, Alaska is the recipient of the Presser Scholarship, presented annually to an outstanding music student by the Presser Foundation, 1992-1993