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March 8, 1928
Item · 1928-03-08
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from March 8, 1928. Articles included are: Reunion Is Meld March 3; Great Success, Delegate Attends Eastern Meeting, Women Hear Mrs. Ylvisaker, Debate Teams Lose to S.C. at Spokane, Concert Tour Is Planned for Choir Members, To Erect Parsonage, Calendar, Has Not Yet Accepted, Are We Loyal?, Campus Locals, Chaplain Burr Talks in Chapel, Chapel Talks, Miss Muus to Leave, Daily Diary, Church Announcements, Students Hired, Voters Reject Bond Issue, Dame Fortune Not With Lads on Trip East, Athletics for Women?, Quintette Quips, Girls Win Game with City Team, Gladiators Will Soon End Season, Tennis Court to Be Constructed, To Assist Choir, Scintillating Sunshine Starts Students Shunning Sane Study, Examination in State Manual Is Taken Sat. Mar. 3, Carnival to Be Given by Staff Friday Mar 24, Conference Meets at Hauge Home, and March Debates.

September 28, 1928
Item · 1928-09-28
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from September 28, 1928. Articles included are: College Has An Auspicious Opening, Development 'Help' Program Is Organized, Pacific College Starts New School Year, Choir Is Picked by Prof. Edwards, Lutherans Have Big Convention, Summer School Has Proved Interesting, Wedding of L. Carlson Grad, New Teachers Added to P.L.C. Staff, Mrs. Kreidler Honored, Fascinating Tradition is By P.L.C.'s Best Explainer---Mooring Mast Reported, Bit of Change, Welcome, Dr. Tingelstad!, Alumni Notes, Faculty-Student Reception Is Held, What Others Think About "Our Advertisers," Program--Opening Exercises, Louise Henrickson '28 Marries, Chapel Talk, Church Announcements, Football Prospects Are Promising With Heavy Line and Fast Quarter, Football Schedule, Enrollment Total Is Ever Growing, Gladiators Beat Roy High; 12-0, Girls Start Work in Gym, Football Team Elects Captain, Poem, Lighter Than Air, Summer Work Is Done By Teachers, and Mast Subscriptions Wanted Immediately.

October 10, 1928
Item · 1928-10-10
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from October 10, 1928. Articles included are: New Development Policy Is Started at Pacific College, Dr. T.O. Tingelstad and N.J. Hong, Complete Choir List Now Given; Error Corrected, Daughters of The Reformation Hold First Meeting Here, Chemistry Laboratory Is Being Installed in Basement of Gym, College Library Has Had Many Changes, Football Prospects Are Promising with Heavy Line and Fast Quarter, Hoff's Sons Leave for Exeter College, 'Red' Roams Rampant 'Round Rooms; Fire Hose and Harrowing Happenings Daunt Not 'Stude,' Clean Up Day, Be a Friend, Chapel Talk, Daily Diary, Poem, Lighter Than Air, Junior College of Centralia Tangles with Parklandites, Outlook for Girls' Basketball Team for 1928-1929 Good, Student Opinion, Gladiators Meeting St. Leo's Friday, Year's Requests for Improvements Many, Bonfire Greatest Pep Rally Staged at Pacific College, French Is Elected Athletic Manager, Wonders of East Are to Be Told, Alumni Notes, Bit of Change, Campus Locals, and Wiseacre Tells Us, Where Was Moses?

October 24, 1928
Item · 1928-10-24
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from October 24, 1928. Articles included are: Unique Record of Placing Graduates Continued in '28, Intermediates of Stadium to Play Second Stringers, Former Student of P.L.C. Passes Away, Girls' Pep Flows Freely in Meeting, Death of Father Calls Chris Nelson Home to Norway, Classes Elect New Officers for '28-'29, 'Shur Stop' to Fire Found in Red Globe, W.G. McGovern Tells of Trip Thru Tibet as a Native Coolie, Short Course for Beginners Began Here October 22, California Supports Development Plans; Tingelstad Returns, Dr. Johnson Presents Instrument to School, School Library has Added 98 Volumes, Calendar, South Puget Sound Circuit Start Year, Halloween, Ask!, Daily Diary, Litter Than Air, Two Kinds of Criticism, Church Announcements, Gladiators Avenging Centralia Defeat by Tying 2 Fast Games, P.L.C. Reserves Beat Abe "Middies," 18-7, Grid Gossip, Campus Locals, Student Meeting Is Turning Point of the 'Mast' Subscriptions, Faculty News, D.O.R. News, Alumni Notes, Football Rules Being Discussed in Meetings, and Chapel Talk.

January 9, 1929
Item · 1929-01-09
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from January 9, 1929. Articles included are: Invitation Declined by Lutheran Choir, Development Work Being Presented Now in California, Dorm Boys Honored at Yuletide Party by Girls' Pep Club, Girls Have Yuletide Party, Girls Returning from Game are in Accident, Johnsons Hold Top Number of Names, Popular Graduate Girl in Beautiful December Wedding, Announce Engagement at Pretty Luncheon, Girls to Leave for Meeting in Spokane, Black and White Signs on Parkland Streets, Forty-Eight Names Adorn Bulletin Board, Arnt Oyen, '27, Writes Letter of Nice Trip on Stage to California, The New Leaf, Calendar, "How Dry I Am" Relives Again Its Ancient Popularity with "Jule-Buks," A Happy New Year, Only One Life to Live, Daily Diary, Four Years Ago at P.L.C., Church News, Lighter Than Air, A Mountain Trip or Not?, Resolutions, Impressive Victory for Gladiator in Season's First Tilt, Sumner Defeats Girls' Team 69-21, League Basketball Tournament Plans are Made by Coach, Whoops!, Training Rules Given, Tide Changes for First Team Girls, Mount Vernon to Play Double-Header Friday, Kreidler Boys Entertain, Mooryard Swen, Many Are the Resolutions for New Year '29, Alumni News, Weary Cub Finds Chemical Study Quick Way Out, Maybe Our "Profs" Are Absent-Minded, Faculty News, and Keep Me Worthy.

June 4, 1929
Item · 1929-06-04
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from June 4, 1929. Articles included are: Hinderlie, Johnson, Bolstad, and Flott Get Highest Honors, Next Year's Staff for Mooring Mast Is Partly Chosen, Ivy-Planting Opens Class Day Program, Gifts that Grow are Always Best, M. Lono Preaches at Baccalaureate, 42 Graduates to Receive Diplomas Tomorrow Evening, Development Plan for P.L.C. Campus Survey Accepted, Pilots for Last Five Years Steer Mooring Mast Successfully Thru, Officers Chosen for Next Year's Council, Wheres and Whats of Graduates Take Them from Alma Mater, Au Revoir, Cheroba, Officers for Mission Society are Elected, Class Day Program, Campus Locals, To Alumni and Graduates, Life's Little Tragedies, P.L.C. Final Choir Party Given Sunday, Mooryad Swen, Season's Closing Game Victorious for P.L.C. Boys, Graduating Class to Take Athletes, Last Concerts of P.L.C. Choir Are All Big Successes, Ladelle Winney and Edgar Larson High, Alumni, Students Have Picnic in Spanaway, Senior Class Play Scores Big Success, Paul Pry, Fifth Year for Mooring Mast, Faculty Members Have Varied Plans, News Writing Class to Be Started for Next Year's Staff, and M. Lono Preaches at Baccalaureate.

December 18, 1929
Item · 1929-12-18
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from DeCember 18, 1929. Articles included are: College Choir Appears in Christmas Concert, Choose Delegates for Annual Club Conference at 'U,' Freshman Girls Serve D.O.R., Mission Society Meeting, Debate Club Again Debates, Calendar, Re-Elect Yell Leaders, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, System to Encourage, Lighter Than Air, Normal Department Leads Students in Saga Subscription, Singing True, College Basketeers Drop Second Game of Season Saturday, Athletic Manager Unable to Arrange Complete Schedule, Quintet Quips, Second Game Goes to Girl Hoopsters, Gladiators Drop First Hoop Game, Gym Class Annual Track Meet Is Held, Seniors Choose Class Ring After Discussions, Hot Dog Sale Nets Two Dollar Profit for D.O.R., College Defeats High School Girls at Hoop, Day Girls Organize into Regular Club, Debate Turnouts Held, P.L.C. Delegate Chosen, Second Floor Lassies Have New Dorm Club, Plans for Campus Received, Miss Lydia Stixrud Declines Offer as Normal Supervisor, California Trip Doubtful, and Daily Diary.

March 27, 1930
Item · 1930-03-27
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from March 27, 1930. Articles included are: Win, Lose with Seattle Pacific College Squads, Plan Campus Day Sale for Picture, End Homecoming with Oratorio by Three Big Choirs, Traces Features of College Year, Adopt New Plan for Organization, Choir Assists Alumni Homecoming Service, Travel North on Extensive Tour of Other Cities, Large Crowd at Annual P.L.C. Alumni Sermon, Miss Kristofferson Compares American and Norwegian Schools, Calendar, Everybody Ready for Big Surprise, Compete to Decide Who Will Give Play, Elect New Members for Alumni Board, Zuzuland Customs and Life in Talk by Reverend Ylvisaker, No Such Thing, Lighter Than Air, Campus Features, What We Like to See, Baseball Outlook for Season Good, Basket Season Is Successful, Campus Locals, Defeat Alumni in Twofold Program, Girls' Basketball Scores for Season, Girls Experience Successful Year with Basketball, Get Me?, Exchanges, Tingelstad to Talk at Next Meeting, Chapel Gleanings, Spring Invades with Its Sting, Outlines Future to Tacoma Club, and Alumni News.

April 23, 1930
Item · 1930-04-23
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from April 23, 1930. Articles included are: Largest Class to Be Graduated in College's History, Senior Class to Present Comedy, "The Patsy" Play Big School Event, Norwegian Church Convenes in May, Noted Educator to Speak at Banquet, Sings Return from Choir Tour, Annual Staff to Present Carnival in College Gym on Saturday, May 3, Two Members of Faculty Go East for Campaigning, Young People to Meet in Everett, At Last Is Found One Who Will Not Be Moved by P.L.C. Prof., Calendar, Why Is It That People Are Shiny When the Sun Shines Brightly, Civilized?, Lighter Than Air, Campus Features, Dig and Profit, Purpose, Parkland News, Student Opinion, Campus Locals, Daily Diary, What Others Are Doing Alumni News, Chapel Talk, Cheroba, Win First Game on Diamond for Season's Start, Sport Slants, Second Chance to Mark Win Friday, Pastimers Face Heavy Schedule for This Season, and Final Date Set for First Meets.

June 4, 1930
Item · 1930-06-04
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from June 4, 1930. Articles included are: School Wins Unanimous Endorsement in E St: Lutheran Church Pledges $17,500 as Survival Sum, Saga Wins Entire Student Approval at First Showing, To Graduate 67 in Senior Class, Trophy Cup Winners, Ideal Students Receive Awards, Place Graduates of Normal Class, Alfred Hauge Champion Seer, Baccalaureate Is Inspiring to Many, Senior Present Class Exercises, H.F. Hunt to Give Main Address at Exercises Tonight, Choir Presents Final Concerts, "The Millionaire" Is Great Success, Joint Chautauqua on P.L.C. Campus, Lighter Than Air, Godspeed, Growing Paper, Best Wishes to You, Society, Parkland News Church Attendance, Chapel Talk, Campus Features, With the Alumni, Lose Majority of Games Played in Last Two Weeks, Sport Slants, Activity Letters Given in Chapel, Pep Shows in Last Meeting of Club, Tennis Team Loses, Marie Vandinburg is Next Year's President, Chapel Gleanings, and Daily Diary.