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October 14, 1926
Item · 1926-10-14
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from October 14, 1926. Articles included are: Mooring Mast Staff Chosen for Year 1927, Faculty Give Annual Mixer for Students, Knutzen Pres. Student Body for 1927, Alaska Students Attend Here, Graduates of '27 Plan Big Year, Normal Students Enjoy Greater Opportunities, The Class of 1928, Clubs Organize Plan Heavy Program, Library Receives Many New Books, Girls Branch of W.M.F. Meet, Calendar, Parkland News, Date Set for Presentation of Opera, Daily Diary, College Bible Class Starts, Card of Thanks, Addressograph Is Purchased, First Football Game Played, Lighter Than Air, Today's Moral Lecture, Game Wanted by Spokane, P.L.C. Team to Play St. Leo's, Cooperation, Chapel Talks, In Defense of Literature, Rev. R. Evjenth Gives Lecture, Football, Amazons Mob Young Editor, and Y.P.L. Honor Students and Faculty.

May 28, 1926
Item · 1926-05-28
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from May 28, 1926. Articles included are: Biggest Event of Season is Senior Play, P.L.C. Girls Win from U. Debate Club, Presentation of Gift to School, Welcome Address, Admittance to Forensic League, Time, Notice to Advertisers, Mooring Mast Reflections, Class Prophecy, Trades and Tricks of Twenty-Six, The Most Essential Subject and Why, Class Will, Banquet Held for Letterman, '26 Looking Ahead, Chapel Talks, Names of Students Who Have Proved Worth to Be Engraved on Loving Cup, Class Dedicates Campus Entrance, Baccalaureate Services Held, College Debating Teams and Coach, First Year of Inter-Collegiate Debate at P.L.C. Successful, Shoes and Ships, We Have to Give Them Credit, Rev. Martin Norstad, Daily Diary, Parkland News, Honor Students of 1926 Graduating Class, and Notice.

October 28, 1926
Item · 1926-10-28
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from October 28, 1926. Articles included are: Rev. Henriksen Back from East, The Aim of the Lutheran Students' Union, Lutherans Lose to St. Leo's, Students Hear Judge Lindsey in Tacoma, Girls Start Basketball, Capt. Klingenberg Visits P.L.C., Mission Society, Calendar, Three Classes Choose Officers, Bride-Elect Given Party, Thespians Give First Program of Year 1927, Yell Leaders Are Chosen, Philosophy, A Correction, Bachelor Girl Frolic Given, Only A Substitute:, Fantastic Football Fun, Parkland News, Normal Art Class Hear Lecture, Chapel Talks, and Campus Locals.

November 23, 1926
Item · 1926-11-23
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from November 23, 1926. Articles included are: Armistice Day Commemorated, Operetta to Be Presented in Portland and Silverton Soon, Quarter Closes Honor Roll Is New Complete, Speech is Given by Dr. Quevli, Mr. Klingenberg Addresses Class, Lettermen Form a Society Here, Calendar, Debate Coach Picks His Team, Boys Form Prayer Meeting, Y.P. Convention P.L.C. on Program, Thanks Giving, Chapel Talks, Mission Society, Church News, Charles Hoff Visits P.L.C., Quintet Quips, "The Big Inkwell" Is No More, "Boys" Win Thrilling Game, Campus Locals, Lighter Than Air, Parkland News, and Daily Diary.

January 13, 1927
Item · 1927-01-13
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from January 13, 1927. Articles included are: Program at Stanwood is Real Success, Student Marries During Holidays, Dormitory Men Elect Officers, Reports Encouraging, Rasmussen Death is Deeply Felt, P.L.A. Alumni Weds, Alumni Drive of Campaign is Complete, Just a Minute, President Extends Sympathy, Debate Society Meets, Seattle Lutherans Too Fast, P.L.C. Girls Defeat N.M.F.A., Calendar, Mission Society, Card of Thanks, What Justice, What Honor, Chapel Talks, Tahoma, Parkland News, O, I Don't Know, Sumner Spartans Win Over P.L.C., 1927 Convention, Quintet Quips, Midgets--Second Teams Divide with AM Lake, P.L.C. Girls Lose to Sumner Dianas, To P.L.C., Ye Loyal Alumni, Campus Locals, Correction, Daily Diary, and Alumni Get-Together Party."

December 9, 1926
Item · 1926-12-09
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from December 9, 1926. Articles included are: College Debate Team Chosen, "Ye Silverton Trip," 'Pollyanna' to Be Given by Glad Players, Pretty Wedding Is Solemnized, Report of Pres. Encouraging, Musical Treat to Be Given, Calendar, Basket Social Invites Many, Dr. Pankoke Has Arrived Here, Prospects for 1926, Attitude Toward Classes, Chapel Talks, Alumni News, Shoes and Ships, Manners, Campus Locals, College Man Despises Girl Who Pets, Essay on 'Man,' Parkland News, Former Student Submits Article, and Daily Diary.

December 21, 1926
Item · 1926-12-21
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from December 21, 1926. Articles included are: W.M.F. Meets in Seattle, Sweet Angel Voices, Students See Entertainment, "Ye Pollyanna," Kid Part is Big Success, Dr. Pankoke and Pastors Meet, D.O.R. Girls Hold Meeting, Girls Debate Team is Divided as to Sides, Chapel Talks, Church News, Xmas or Christmas, The Student Council, P.L.C. Boys Take Win at Orting, Quintet Quips, P.L.C. Girls Win Second Contest, Student Chronicle, Campus Locals, Lighter Than Air, One on Arling!, Advice to Overworked Students, and Daily Diary.

November 11, 1926
Item · 1926-11-11
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from November 11, 1926. Articles included are: Favorable News from President, Impromptu Talks at Debate Meet, D.O.R. Organize for the Year's Program, Operetta to Be Given by Girls' Glee Club Soon, Editor-In-Chief Resigns Duties, Mission Society Gives the Opening Program, P.L.C. Will Give a Program at Convention, P.L.C. at Seattle Church, Special Course in English has Been Organized, Calendar, Many New Books Added to P.L.C. Library, Student Party Halloween Eve, Armistice Day, Chapel Talks, Church Announcements, Girls' Basketball Prospects Good, Football Is Supreme Today, Fantastic Football Fun, Faculty Member's Family Here, Miss Sandwick Is Taken Ill, Parkland News, Lighter Than Air, Campus Locals, and Daily Diary.

January 20, 1927
Item · 1927-01-20
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from January 20, 1927. Articles included are: Christian Life Emphasis Week is Inspiring, Board of Trustees Rearrange Officers, Joint Programs Prove Hilarious, With Our Present, Debaters Are Victorious, Informal Discussion at Mission Society, Donation Shows Winning Spirit, Further Data on Endowment Drive Work, Seamen's Mission Work Topic for Discussion, Tom Skeybilt Well Received, Cards of Thanks, Calendar, Flash! Students Are Posing, The Perfect Semester, Chapel Talks, Mission Society, Move Over, P.L.C. Lands Beat Stadium Tigers, Dianas Win from Seattle N.M.F.A. 'Stenogs' Team, Pacifics Defeat N.M.F.A. Quint, Girls Take Easy Victory from Tacoma Lassies, Loses to P.L.C. Team, Campus Locals, Lighter Than Air, and Daily Diary.

February 10, 1927
Item · 1927-02-10
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from February 10, 1927. Please note that two issues were printed with the same date, volume, and number. Articles included in the first issue are: P.L.C. Mountain Trip Enjoyed, Welcome Alumni, Faculty Again Bereaved, New Students Enroll, Alumni Board Convenes Here, Alumni Reunion Banquet Plans Ready; Big Meeting Is Expected, President's Family Suffers Bereavement, New Distinction for Pacific Lutheran, Notice, State Inspector Visits, Semester Honor Roll Is Announced, Calendar, Your Alma Mater Is Calling You, Alumni Pres. Sends Greeting, Chapel Talks, Coming Home, Christian Life, Pacifics Bag Two Victories at Ashford, Encouragement in Spirit Shown Here, Dianas Beat Kapowsin, P.L.C. Girls Win From Kapowsin, Student Addresses Given, Just for Today, Alma Mater Blues, Boys Lose Return Games, Lutheran Union Sends Message, Campus Locals, Mission Society, Parkland News, Daily Diary, and A Student's Desire. Articles included in the second issue are: P.L.C. Sends Delegate, Debate Clashes Prove Exciting, Alumni Reunion Banquet Plans Read; Big Meeting Is Expected, Debaters Enjoy a Night of Fun, Holiday Frolic Is Successful, Financial Plans for Delegate Discussed, P.L.C. Hears Splendid Lincoln Address, Calendar, Achievement, Student Opinion, Mission Society, Can the Honor System Be Honorable, Chapel Talks, Our Students Convention, Washington's Birthday Holiday, P.L.C. Greyhounds Lose to Lincoln, Girls Make Annual Pilgrimage; Enjoyable Trip Had; Lose to Battle Ground in Rough Game, Latest Field Manager Movement Reports, Alumni Board Convenes Again, Trustees Discuss Important Issues, Campus Locals, Lighter Than Air, and Daily Diary.