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April 26, 1928
Item · 1928-04-26
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from April 26, 1928. Articles included are: P.L.C. Choir Completes Trip; Is Successful, D.O.R. Members to Meet May 1, Boys Will Leave Soon for Alaska, Senior Class Chooses 3 Act Comedy as Play, Honor Roll for Quarter Is Given, Members of U. of W. Faculty Visit, Fraternity Club Humbled by Heavy Hitting Pacifics, Student Body Party Will Be Given Apr. 28, Organization to Help Graduates, New Books, Tennis Courts Lacking Funds, Calendar, Running Sport Interests Boys, Rev. Christensen Talks in Chapel, Late Bulletin, Responsibility, Church Announcements, L.S.U. Convention News, Campus Locals, Tight Game Won by Centralia Baseball Club, Games Slated for Weekend, Plays Will Be Given by Members of Class, Man and Maid, Hands, Think it Over, Lighter Than Air, Words of Wisdom, and Daily Diary.

May 10, 1928
Item · 1928-05-10
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from May 10, 1928. Articles included are: Entire School Turns Out on Campus Day, Normal Students Sign Contracts, Gladiators Meet Centralia Today, Six Weeks Summer Course Offered, Commencement Exercises to Be Held June 8th, Asbury to Give Lecture May 17th, Puppet Show to Be Presented, Trinity Choir Render Oratorio, Concern Given in Tacoma by P.L.C. Choir, D.O.R. Organize for Coming Year, Coaches Present Athletic Awards, My Mother, An Acquaintance (A Short, Short Story), L.S.U. Convention News, Church Announcements, Chapel Talks, Do We Read Literature?, Gladiators Split Series with Lion, Collegians Win From Men's Club, Pastoral Conference, Dramatic Society Meets, Tennis Prospects Are Encouraging, Campus Locals, Mother's Day, On Editing This Issue, Catalogue At the Press, Lighter Than Air, Leap Year Party Great Success, and Daily Diary.

May 24, 1928
Item · 1928-05-24
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from May 24, 1928. Articles included are: Seniors Take Long Planned Sneak and Travel with Many Hardships, Chataqua Plans Made for August, Assisting Artist and Prof. Edwards Present Program, Mission Society Elect Officers at Final Meet, Alumni Picnic, Martha-By-The-Day, Senior Play to Be Given Saturday at P.L.C., Men's Dorm Union Chooses New 'Heads,' Summery Sunshine Surely Seems Satisfactory as Baseball Boys, Beautiful Maids Meet, Good Will Is Topic for Asbury's Speech, Calendar, Fish! Fish! From the Far North Comes News; 'Our Boys' Having a Fine Time, Good-By, Sportsmanship, Daily Diary, Misfortunes Fall on Pastimers, Church Announcements, Loop Up the Curtains, Agnes Olsen Has Letter From North, Oral Ex Class 'Cabbages' Good, Talent Discovered in the Oral Class Proves Valuable, Gladiators Having Hard Luck in Ball, Day and Dorm Girls Have a Beach Party, Girls Enthusiastic in Baseball Try, Team Tryout Held; Lineup Proves Good, Tennis Is Girls Game--Not Boys, Campus Locals, and Lighter Than Air.

June 7, 1928
Item · 1928-06-07
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from June 7, 1928. Articles included are: Class Program Given Thursday June Seventh, Illuminated Sign Gift of '28 Class, Baccalaureate Services Held for Graduates, Alumni Entertain at Annual Picnic, Commencement Exercises for Class of '28, Names for Loving Cups Announced, Junior-Senior Breakfast Held, P.L.C. Lettermen Hold Banquet, Student Body Elects Officers, Senior Class Play Dramatic Success, Choir In Final Performance, Will You Ever Forget?, Mast Staff Entertained, Editorial on the Class of 1928, Editorial Telling Class of 1928 Farewell, Senior Class Horoscope, Campus Locals, Next Year's Plans Made by Seniors, Faculty Advisors Are Hosts to Graduates, and P.L.C. Choir Entertained.

September 28, 1928
Item · 1928-09-28
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from September 28, 1928. Articles included are: College Has An Auspicious Opening, Development 'Help' Program Is Organized, Pacific College Starts New School Year, Choir Is Picked by Prof. Edwards, Lutherans Have Big Convention, Summer School Has Proved Interesting, Wedding of L. Carlson Grad, New Teachers Added to P.L.C. Staff, Mrs. Kreidler Honored, Fascinating Tradition is By P.L.C.'s Best Explainer---Mooring Mast Reported, Bit of Change, Welcome, Dr. Tingelstad!, Alumni Notes, Faculty-Student Reception Is Held, What Others Think About "Our Advertisers," Program--Opening Exercises, Louise Henrickson '28 Marries, Chapel Talk, Church Announcements, Football Prospects Are Promising With Heavy Line and Fast Quarter, Football Schedule, Enrollment Total Is Ever Growing, Gladiators Beat Roy High; 12-0, Girls Start Work in Gym, Football Team Elects Captain, Poem, Lighter Than Air, Summer Work Is Done By Teachers, and Mast Subscriptions Wanted Immediately.

October 10, 1928
Item · 1928-10-10
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from October 10, 1928. Articles included are: New Development Policy Is Started at Pacific College, Dr. T.O. Tingelstad and N.J. Hong, Complete Choir List Now Given; Error Corrected, Daughters of The Reformation Hold First Meeting Here, Chemistry Laboratory Is Being Installed in Basement of Gym, College Library Has Had Many Changes, Football Prospects Are Promising with Heavy Line and Fast Quarter, Hoff's Sons Leave for Exeter College, 'Red' Roams Rampant 'Round Rooms; Fire Hose and Harrowing Happenings Daunt Not 'Stude,' Clean Up Day, Be a Friend, Chapel Talk, Daily Diary, Poem, Lighter Than Air, Junior College of Centralia Tangles with Parklandites, Outlook for Girls' Basketball Team for 1928-1929 Good, Student Opinion, Gladiators Meeting St. Leo's Friday, Year's Requests for Improvements Many, Bonfire Greatest Pep Rally Staged at Pacific College, French Is Elected Athletic Manager, Wonders of East Are to Be Told, Alumni Notes, Bit of Change, Campus Locals, and Wiseacre Tells Us, Where Was Moses?

October 24, 1928
Item · 1928-10-24
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from October 24, 1928. Articles included are: Unique Record of Placing Graduates Continued in '28, Intermediates of Stadium to Play Second Stringers, Former Student of P.L.C. Passes Away, Girls' Pep Flows Freely in Meeting, Death of Father Calls Chris Nelson Home to Norway, Classes Elect New Officers for '28-'29, 'Shur Stop' to Fire Found in Red Globe, W.G. McGovern Tells of Trip Thru Tibet as a Native Coolie, Short Course for Beginners Began Here October 22, California Supports Development Plans; Tingelstad Returns, Dr. Johnson Presents Instrument to School, School Library has Added 98 Volumes, Calendar, South Puget Sound Circuit Start Year, Halloween, Ask!, Daily Diary, Litter Than Air, Two Kinds of Criticism, Church Announcements, Gladiators Avenging Centralia Defeat by Tying 2 Fast Games, P.L.C. Reserves Beat Abe "Middies," 18-7, Grid Gossip, Campus Locals, Student Meeting Is Turning Point of the 'Mast' Subscriptions, Faculty News, D.O.R. News, Alumni Notes, Football Rules Being Discussed in Meetings, and Chapel Talk.

November 7, 1928
Item · 1928-11-07
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from November 7, 1928. Articles included are: P.L.C. Students and Teachers Are Part of Program, Library Adds About 300 Books to Shelves, New Golf Club Is Nearly Completed; Officers Elected, Practice Teaching Now in Full Sway, Letter Is Received from Ruth Matson, Former President Returns to P.L.C., League Convention Is Held in Seattle for Young People, Prominent Jeweler to Officer Trophy for Scholarship, Mr. Elvestrom, Field Manager, Comes Back, Buggy Creature Takes the Bumps that Turn to Mumps for Fairer Sex, A Correction, Calendar, Installation of Dr. Tingelstad is Dec. 14, "Goblins" Win Prize with "Family Album" Act at Big Halloween Party, 'Sauce for Goslings' To Be Given Nov. 16, The Mahncke Scholastic Trophy Cup, Daily Diary, Litter Than Air, Silence, Sunset, D.O.R. News, Second Defeat of Season Suffered by College Team, Lincoln Middies Revenge Defeat by 19 to 0 Victory, 0-0 Tie Outcome of Reserve Game, Coach Announces Game; Will Meet Stadium Friday, Parent-Teachers Association, Campus Locals, 'Minnesota Governor' Compliments 'Frenchy,' Mr. Rounds Inspects High School Classes, Mooryard Swen, Chapel Talk, Four Years Ago at P.L.C., and Church Announcements.

November 21, 1928
Item · 1928-11-21
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from November 21, 1928. Articles included are: Doctor Tingelstad to be Installed, P.L.C. Honor Roll Is Now Compiled, Parents, Teachers Give Dad's Program, Mahncke Presents Scholarship Cup, P.L.C. Orchestra Organized; Will Assist the Choir, Bailey-Rasmussen Betrothal Reported, Representatives Chosen for Union, 'Promote Peace' Is Dr. Hoff's Plea on Armistice Day, Age-Old Puzzling Themes Discussed, A Weary "Cub" Finds Road to Originality Thorny, Well Worn, Library Gets New Books, Calendar, Courageous Knight Braves Dark to Prove Source of Tragic Cries, Thanksgiving, Individual Leadership, Daily Diary, School Songs, Lighter Than Air, Church Announcements, Waterloo Is Met by P.L.C.; Tigers Win 33 to 6 Score, Centralia Eleven in 44-0 Victory Over Lutherans, The Wiley "Red" Is Held for No Gain, The Good Old Day Classes, Normal Girls Track Gym, Statement of the Ownership, Management, Circulation, Etc. Required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, Market Will Be Held, Americans, "Others," Have Wordy Battle, Four Years Ago, Chapel Talk, Results of Plan Appear Favorable, Campus Locals, Alumni News, Mooryard Swen, and Thanksgiving.

December 5, 1928
Item · 1928-12-05
Part of Mooring Mast

This is a copy of the undergraduate student newspaper from December 5, 1928. Articles included are: Great Progress in Development Plan is Brought, Dr. Tingelstad, "Glad Players" to Give Four Act Play, Cups Presented by Class of '25 Create Tradition, Dr. Aasgaard, Christmas Program to be Given by Choir, Committees Plan Final Details for Installation Day, Dr. Hoff Lends Helping Hand to Future Citizens, D.O.R. News, The Installation, Calendar, P.L.C. Is Represented at High School Press Conference by Girls, Music Enjoyed at Chapel, Our Team, Daily Diary, Chapel Talk, Lighter Than Air, Church Announcements, How To Get Along with Your Roommate, New Library Books, Final Game of Year is Dropped to Lincoln High, Hoop Prospects Look Promising, Professors Are Sometimes Human, Whoops!, Girls Miss Gym Classes, Turkey Leaves New Balls, Fresh Varnish, Dirty Cords?, Bits of Change, Girl's First Team Lineup Is Chosen, Pieces of My Mind, Letter Received from Dr. Hoff's Son in England, "Bobby" Burns Foresees P.L.C. Camera Results, Mooryard Swen, Debate Question for This Year Announced, Violin Concert to Be Given Friday, and Faculty News.